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What they say

I had the pleasure of working with Orcawise team, and I can't recommend them enough for their expertise in AI advice and training. They've got a knack for breaking down complex concepts into digestible nuggets and offering practical solutions. Plus, they're just great to work with – collaborative, reliable, and always up for a challenge. If you're looking for someone to help navigate the world of Responsible AI, Kevin is your go-to!

Gabriel Solares
Researcher | The Convention Center Dublin (The CCD)

Orcawise’s commitment to ethical AI practices and dedication to ensuring businesses and professionals alike harness the power of AI responsibly is truly commendable. What sets Kevin and the Orcawise LLM team apapart is their ability to understand the unique needs and challenges of each client and tailor Responsible AI solutions to address those specific requirements. This client-centric approach has resulted in numerous success stories, where businesses have transformed their operations and achieved remarkable results.

Tesfaye Onsho
LLM Generative AI Annotator | Meta

I had the pleasure of collaborating with the Responsible AI Advisory and Services provided by Orcawise. The strategic insights and deep understanding of AI were invaluable. Kevin's ability to analyze data and drive actionable insights is remarkable. He's dedicated to delivering exceptional results and is a reliable partner. I highly recommend Orcawise for anyone seeking expertise in leveraging AI for business growth. Working with Kevin and team has been a privilege, and I'm confident they will continue to excel in shaping AI-driven strategies.

Nitin Nukala
Cloud Engineer | Amazon Web Services

Orcawise is a one-stop-shop for all things AI in Marketing. AI strategies, tools and techniques for business growth underpinned with a Responsible AI framework focused on data privacy and ethics...

Fabiano Oliveira
Global Advocate | Remote - HR Platform

I had the pleasure of working closely with  Orcawise and I collaborated directly with Kevin on various projects. Kevin's insights and guidance in the realm of AI, particularly in natural language processing, were invaluable to our team. His foresight and expertise significantly contributed to the success of our AI initiatives. It was truly enriching to experience how Orcawise's expertise can augment an AI team and I highly recommend them for exceptional leadership and deep knowledge in the field of AI.

Dr. Sarita Nandal
Data Scientist | Phd Applied Mathematics  

I had the pleasure of working with the CEO, Kevin Neary when I participated in Orcawise's Innovation Program. He was excellent to work with and went above and beyond to teach me and include me in various aspects of the company's work. He truly cares about the people with whom he works, and I would highly recommend him and Orcawise to anyone.

Stephanie Myott Bebee
Attorney | Data Scientist

I wholeheartedly recommend the Orcawise Team to anyone seeking to infuse responsible AI into their marketing endeavors. Their dedication to excellence and ethical standards sets them apart in the industry, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such a dynamic and forward-thinking team.

Magdalena N
Business Analyst | HERTZ

It was a pleasure to work with Sanpreet during my time at Orcawise. He always had time to show me how different elements of the ML pipeline worked and gave me the opportunity to learn more. He was always patient and supportive when I reached out for help with doubts. Working with Sanpreet and Ocrawise was an invaluable experience in my development and I am very grateful for having had the opportunity. I would highly recommend him as someone to work for and learn from.

Gareth Moen
Data Analyst | Yahoo

The Orcawise advisors created a positive and mutually supportive atmosphere and the team culture was very useful in developing as a Data Analyst/Scientist.

Alan Quille
Data Scientist

I have worked with Orcawise to develop an AI-based chatbot, which we called Orcabot, and whenever I reached out to the team for any business logic related queries they were always there to help. I also felt Kevin the CEO is someone who listens to small things very carefully and always stays ready to accept the new ideas. All I can say is thank you, Kevin to help me to get into the industry as a Data Scientist !!

Bedanta Saha
Modelling Developer | Fidelis Insurance

Kevin's leadership at Orcawise has truly transformed the landscape of AI advisory and training services. His unwavering dedication to providing invaluable guidance and fostering growth among teams is evident in every aspect of Orcawise's operations. I wholeheartedly recommend Orcawise.

Burak Yesilbag
Software Developer | AMADEUS

In Sanpreet’s leadership I gained a lot of knowledge in the Data Science domain. He was a great mentor to me, was always willing to clear technical doubts and took time out to make me understand the topics in depth. Always encouraged me to learn more and assigned tasks that really helped me during my Internship at Orcawise. I truly admire his enthusiasm towards his work. It was an absolute pleasure to work under his guidance and mentorship.

Kajol Kaiya
Service Manager | SAP

Kevin was my first mentor at Orcawise. During my tenure with him, I found him to extremely data-driven and analytical. He was dedicated towards growing Orcawise in marketing, automation and AI and was passionate about sharing his knowledge with the team.

Rhea Pandey
Agency Manager | Pinterest

I have really enjoyed learning all about Data Science from Kevin and the Orcawise team. Best mentor with outstanding domain knowledge. I have learned a lot from them like "How to be good at achieving the OKR in an organization". We were successful working together to build the knowledge graph and build stories in Tableau.

Senior Analyst | Carne Group

I had the pleasure of working with Kevin at a NovaUCD venture specialized in the application of data science to drive marketing performance. Kevin is a passionate, committed leader who was able to build a functional team and thriving culture. His leadership approach focused on encouraging innovation and empowering his team to take calculated risks. He built a truly diverse team and created a safe work environment that welcomed everyone's unique perspective into the table, leading to great innovations, powerful business results and such an enjoyable work experience.

Radwa Khorshid
ERG Leadership Council | HubSpot

I can sum up Sanpreet in one word: Sincere. His dedication comes across the moment you meet him and you know that he will carry out any job/role to the best of his abilities. He is a reliable person to have around you. Also, he is someone who learns his job very well and then goes on to excel at it.All the best for a great future ahead.

Pritha Chakroborty
Developer | Oracle Corporation


Who is your ideal customer?

Business and IT/Data leaders that want to ensure Responsible AI across operations using Orcawise responsible AI strategies, custom models and team augmentation.

Our clients typically have funding in place for:

- advice and services to ensure Responsible AI across the organization.
- implementation of custom LLM models to ensure Responsible AI.
- AI team augmentation using Orcawise consultants and contractors.

What is custom LLM development?

Orcawise LLM Custom Development is where our consultants support your team to customize LLM's like ChatGPT, Gemini, Cohere, Llama, OrcaPower, etc. to create a truly unique LLM to ensure Responsible AI across your organization.

Orcawise consultants follow the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. for Responsible AI which adaptable to each organizations unique requirements and use cases.

What is Smart Teams?

Smart Teams provides three engagement models for our clients to tap into the AI talent community of Orcawise:

1. Orcawise is a vendor of AI consultants and contractors.

2. Team Augmentation service is available using our in-house team.

3. RAIT (Responsible AI Training) is a tailored AI training program delivered by AI experts to up-skill your in-house team with AI skills. To date Orcawise has trained more that 400 professionals, enabling them get started with AI and apply AI in a practical way for business efficiencies.

What is the LLM subscription ?

The LLM Subscription is where you have direct access to the OrcaPower LLM for Responsible AI, which is currently optimized for data security.

Multi-tiered subscription model:

BASIC - everything you need to get started with a Custom LLM.
PREMIUM - advanced features, support and training.

What is the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Framework?


Proprietary framework created by Orcawise to enable companies:

- measure their Responsible AI maturity across seven dimensions.
- create a Responsible AI Roadmap across the seven dimensions.
- provide a foundation on which to implement a Custom LLM to ensure Responsible AI across marketing operations.

Is your Advisory service monthly?

Payment is monthly in advance with a 3-month minimum commitment.

Do you have a free plan?

Yes Orcawise provides free strategy sessions on zoom, in-person seminars, and free trials of our custom models.

How do I get started with Orcawise ?

Submit one of the forms on the website and we'll kick things off with a strategy session to determine fit.

Book a call now

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Shaping the Future of Business and Society
Building a Responsible Tomorrow with AI
Empowering AI for Ethical and Sustainable Impact
Shaping the Future of Business and Society
Building a Responsible Tomorrow with AI
Empowering AI for Ethical and Sustainable Impact
Shaping the Future of Business and Society
Building a Responsible Tomorrow with AI
Empowering AI for Ethical and Sustainable Impact
Shaping the Future of Business and Society
Building a Responsible Tomorrow with AI
Empowering AI for Ethical and Sustainable Impact
Shaping the Future of Business and Society
Building a Responsible Tomorrow with AI
Empowering AI for Ethical and Sustainable Impact
Shaping the Future of Business and Society
Building a Responsible Tomorrow with AI
Empowering AI for Ethical and Sustainable Impact
Shaping the Future of Business and Society
Building a Responsible Tomorrow with AI
Empowering AI for Ethical and Sustainable Impact
Shaping the Future of Business and Society
Building a Responsible Tomorrow with AI
Empowering AI for Ethical and Sustainable Impact

Make Your AI

Responsible AI

It's Good Marketing

responsible ai consultation